Monday, October 31, 2011

The Maiden Voyage

I was never the little girl who had a diary and hid it from her brothers, only to have it stolen and read aloud to the neighborhood.  This wasn't for lack of intruding brothers (hey guys!), but instead because my diaries never got far.  Anytime I'd write, I'd always reread my entry, decide it sounded whiny, and tear out the pages.  So if anyone ever reads this, it's a huge step for me - though you can rest assured I've edited it 9000 times.

Why I'm hopefully overcoming this barrier is to share the adventures that I've been able to go on in DC.  In April, I deferred law school for one year.  Armed with the knowledge that I'd be moving out of town soon, I created a list of "adventures" through which my boyfriend Matt and me could see the city together.  My ideas came from lots of internet roaming, walks, and recommendations, and the resulting list is a mixture of well-known and little-known gems within the city. 

We went on our first adventure in April, so I'll start with that one and work my way to the present.  Hopefully this will provide a nice list of things to try in DC - but to be honest, it's mostly for my own sentiment, so that once Matt and I move on from this place, we have a record of all those times that I made him blindly visit somewhere with the promise that it'd be good.  For some reason, he trusted me.  Here's to not just surviving, but enjoying those times.

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